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Smriti Raj

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Smriti Raj

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Member since :
Thursday, 24 March 2016 13:27
Last online :
3 years ago
  • Smriti Raj
    started a thread in Love & Sex

    Dear all,

    Thank you all for ur messages and egarness to know more about adult breastfeeding.

    I am to help you all understanding the concept of adult breastfeeding feeding (abf) which is not just love and affection but more than that it's an art. The more u learn the art the best results you get.

    Abf can be both dry(non lactating) and wet(lactating) . With proper abf techniques ladies who are non-lactating too can achieve milk production .There are many who have achieved it by abf.

    Get into some best abf positions where
    the udders(breasts) hanging down to help you have an easy approach towards feeding. The more feeding in this position the more sooner u get milk flowing.

    Enjoy the sessions the best possible way you can. It's just not the male counter part to be satisfied with it but ur partner too should be.

    Have a great day being abf.

    Ur milk doc
  • Smriti Raj
    replied to a thread in Love & Sex

  • Smriti Raj
    replied to a thread in Love & Sex

    Hello ,I'm doing job in an corporate company .My boss is attractive .I like him .
    But he offered me as he want to just sleep with me as naked for one night .He don't want to have sex with me on that night .He promised that He will only touch and caress my body on that night .He wants to enjoy my naked body just by caressing and touching ,not by sex .He also likes me .Should I accept his offer ? Read More...
    I may be late to see the thread. So what happen. Any progress ?

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