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sapna rao

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sapna rao

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Tuesday, 31 December 2013 18:00
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10 years ago
  • sapna rao
    replied to a thread in Delhi Parents

    Parenting is an experience but I feel that we can learn a lot through workshops and classes. These parenting classes actually help parents to avoid the common parenting mistakes. I want to be a good parent and for this I want to attend some classes. I think these parenting workshops are a must in today's times as we need to instill good values in our kids./ Any ideas of such a workshop? Read More...
    Parenting workshops can definitely help parents learn the problem-solving techniques that are necessary to deal with day to day situations that they might face when it comes to raising a child in a healthy way. These types of workshops can benefit parents in how they understand and interact with their children on a daily basis, as well as help them raise positive & healthy kids.
  • sapna rao
    replied to a thread in Preschoolers

    Are you finding it difficult to teach your child nursery rhymes? Do you think nursery rhyme CDs and DVDs can help in teaching nursery rhymes? How can one teach nursery rhyme to preschoolers in the best way?
    To read the related article, click here.
    Very 2 year old daughter enjoys music...she is very naughty . I find it really difficult to feed her..I normally play some dvd's while I feed her..she loves watching and has her food within no time..she also loves flipping thro books and flash cards..


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