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Franklin Manickam

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Franklin Manickam

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Uploaded By: Franklin Manickam . Category: Personal . Added on: 20 May 2013.
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In episode 398 of Devon Ke Dev... Mahadev, aired on 13th May 2013, Jalandhar has a nightmare

Jalandhar has misconceptions against Mahadev. However, Shukracharya tries to convince him that Mahadev wants to give him justice for Indradev's misdeeds. He tells Jalandhar that he is a devotee of Mahadev because he never discriminates between the deities and the demons. Jalandhar has a nightmare, in which Vrinda and his mother burn alive. He wakes up and suspects Mahadev of conspiring against him. Meanwhile, Ganesha is in a dilemma whether Parvati will recognise him as her son. Will Parvati recognise Gamesha? To know more, keep watching Devon Ke Dev... Mahadev...

'Devon Ke Dev... Mahadev' is the mesmerising story of Lord Shiva and his different avatars. When Sati immolates herself to avenge Mahadev's disrespect, Adi-Shakti returns in the form of Devi Parvati to unite with Shiva. Witness Shiva, the most powerful God within the Hindu culture, as a sansarik or householder in this epic saga.