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chetna soni

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chetna soni

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Friday, 01 May 2020 12:37
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4 years ago
  • chetna soni
    started a thread in Newborns & Babies

    ” A baby is like a seed. Shower it with love and care and it will bloom into something beautiful that is beyond your imagination.”
    All parents want to give their baby the best possible start in life, and this involves lots of important decisions. What you put in your baby’s tummy might be the most important one of all. There are many reasons to choose organic baby food – not only because of what it doesn’t contain but also because of what it does. Organic baby food is richer in essential nutrients, minerals, proteins, vitamins, fiber, calcium. It is always good to avoid foods that contain salt, sugar or any artificial ingredients, particular for babies and small children’s.
    Here are some benefits of giving organic baby food
    •Limited Chemical Exposure.
    •Better Physical Health.
    •Better Mental Health.
    •Better Taste.
    Baby food containing preservatives, salt, sugar, additives, flavors, and colors can negatively impact the health of your baby and may cause allergic reactions, weakness, low level of red blood cells. Babies should be given puree and porridges made up of 100% organic fruits and vegetables which will help them in their growing stage. Read More...
  • chetna soni
    started a thread in Newborns & Babies

    “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents”
    Children are very critical and imperative for deciding how the world is going to be in the future. Parenting forms an important aspect of the growth of children.
    The things that a baby need is
    The most important thing which any baby needs is “SLEEP”.
    SLEEP is very important for your child’s health and well-being. Babies who do not get enough sleep may have trouble functioning during the day, at night they may find hard to settle.
    Now the question is how much sleep does a baby need?
    Babies need 12-16 hours of sleep a day, newborn babies may sleep up to 18 hours and it’s normal and healthy for babies to sleep more.
    MOTHER’S MILK one of the most essential thing that a baby requires, For the first 6 months a baby should be given only mother’s milk nothing else, After 6 months along with breastfeeding babies should be given puree and porridges made up of fruits and vegetables, you can either give homemade purees or ready to eat purees.
    NUTRITION'S which form an important part of a baby’s diet, essential nutrients like vitamins, calcium, proteins, fiber, energy which should be included in your baby’s diet.
    CARE that all baby needs and which they usually receive, see that not only the baby but also the surrounding in which your baby plays is hygienic so that your baby is safe from any kind of disease. Read More...


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