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varsha tyagi

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varsha tyagi

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Member since :
Wednesday, 10 July 2013 13:08
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8 years ago

  • Which New Year’s resolutions should parents make? How can parents stick to their parenting resolutions? Can New Year’s resolutions help to improve parenting skills?
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    It is always easy to make a list of resolutions on New Year's eve. I thought about it a lot and made three resolutions out of which the number one priority is given to control my temper. I have enlisted various situations where I generally lose my temper. I am little surprised to read whenever my kid comes from her school she sits before the TV for more than an hour to watch her favorite cartoon shows. I lose my temper whenever she does this. I need to handle this in a different way instead of losing my temper or yelling at her. I hope I should be able to control my temper within next 6 months. I am sure it will help me to improve my parenting skills.


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