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Swapna Jadhav

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Swapna Jadhav

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Monday, 23 September 2013 13:58
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  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to encourage kids to have a glass of milk every day? How to include fruits in diet of kids? Which are the best milkshakes for kids?
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    Milkshakes are yummy and tasty and children love to drink it. As children love all the sweet things they also love drinking milkshakes. You can make those milkshakes interesting by adding certain fun things in it along with the fruits which is required by their body. This way they will have a daily intake of milk and fruits if you give them delicious milkshakes every day. Children are very fussy and choosy about eating and drinking things. You can make the dishes look attractive and tempting so that the children feel like eating or drinking it.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Though my daughter studies all day, I feel she isn’t learning much. She just does mugging of the formulas and answers for the sake of scoring good marks and is actually not learning much at school. I live in Raipur. Can someone suggest some good CBSE schools here? Read More...
    Hi, if you are looking for good CBSE schools in Raipur then I would like to suggest you Ryan International School which is quite popular in Raipur. The contact number of the school is +(91)-771-6458518, 6458517 and the address is C/O St Xaviers High School, Ravigram, Raipur-Chhattisgarh - 492001, Near Avanthi Vihar Colony, Labhandi. The website of the school is . I highly recommend you this school.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to prepare kids for exams and tests? What to do if kids fear exams? How to boost confidence of kids to do well in exams? Read More...
    Hi, children and exams are inversely proportional to each other. All the children get scared and nervous hearing about exams. Every parents has an issue of how to prepare the kids for the exam and how to make them face it without fear. Many children say that they can cope up with the tests and exams but they are actually just saying those things to just hide their nervousness and we as parents should understand it. Their responses can give signs that children are nervous and you should take all the possible measures to help them and relieve their stress.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Which vegetables should be included in the diet of kids? Why do kids hate eating green vegetables? How to make kids eat green vegetables?
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    Hi, there are some children who are readily eating green vegetables but there are some who do not even look at it. Make your children understand the importance of eating green vegetables and the reason why they should eat it. Tell them why it is necessary to eat them and how it helps their body to grow and develop and also let them know the consequences by telling them examples which you might know. If your children make it an effort to eat those green vegetables which they hate, then make sure that you reward them with their favourite dish or anything they like.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to keep a child’s general knowledge updated? Why is it essential for children to have general knowledge? Which activities can help in improving general knowledge of children?
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    It is important that you make your children understand that there is no one who is perfect in everything. It is our responsibility as parents to find out what are our child’s interests and what are they really interested in and help them to gather the knowledge which he understands. You can buy some books and other notes so that you can help your child to read the information available for that subject. You can also test your child’s knowledge from time to time so that you can ensure he is aware of things.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to ensure healthy brain development of children? What are the ways to prevent negative impact on child’s brain development? Why is it necessary to create positive impact on brain development of children?
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    Hi, as parents it is important for us to ensure that our child has proper and healthy development of the brain. Creating a positive environment for the children is necessary so that there is proper growth of the child. Creating a positive environment can have a positive impact on the child. During the child’s life its brain development takes place at a faster pace in few years. By the age of three the child’s brain is said to be completely developed and is very active than the brain of an adult. It is necessary that you deal very cautiously during the developmental stages.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How can parents make kids have their meals happily? How to make simple meals interesting for kids? How to prepare nutritious yet kid friendly meals?
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    Hi, feeding children with nutritious food is very difficult for eve parent. Today junk food has taken over everywhere and children love the junk food more than the real food. This has made every parent’s life hell as in how to feed healthy food to their children and how to avoid their children from eating excess junk food. There are ways by which you can feed you children healthy food. These ideas will help your children to meet up the needs of the nutritional requirement by the body. Prepare some delicious dishes which your child will like adding the nutritional element.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    My school goer is very aggressive what to do? Read More...
    A hug to the child can be a remedy for everything. Giving a hug can make the child feel secured and safe and also let him know that you are always there for him whenever he needs you so that he doesn’t feel you ignore him or feel lonely. Disciplining the child is other thing and should be implemented along with love and affection. The places you need to be strict you should and the places where you need to be lenient you should be. Also make sure that the children have a habit of hearing ‘no’ as well.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    What are the characteristics of genius children? How do some children grow-up into genius? Can every parent raise a genius?
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    There are several ways available by which you can help your children be intelligent and hardworking. Firstly it is important that parents teach their children to study regularly. Having regular study habits will be extremely helpful for the child and the child will be able to cope up well, when he has revised his studies properly. Reading is a very good habit and reading books to children is very beneficial for the development of the brain. When you read out a book to your child and all the new words which he learns will make him imagine the picture, sound and the concept helping in increasing his thinking skills.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Does your child misbehave? What are the common causes of misbehaviour in children? What do you do when your child misbehaves in public?
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    Hi, I can completely understand when your child is misbehaving and you have no idea why he is doing so. It is difficult to sometimes find the reason behind this kind of behaviour. It is important to find out the causes behind this kind of behaviour in our children. It is seen that every parent is worried about their child’s different behaviour. They fail to understand if there is one single reason or many reasons for such a behaviour. But this is the most common problem seen in children and the most common mistake parents do is shout or scold their children for such behaviour.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    My child is just 9 years old but is very conscious about her weight. she fears putting on weight so tries to minimize her intake. I think she is too small to have weight concerns and moreover she is not the heavier side also. Read More...
    Hello, weight issues in children have always been a problem for the parents. It is important that you plan a diet schedule for your child. Make sure that your child has plenty of fruits, vegetables in their regular diet. If you feel the issue is serious then you can also visit a dietician or a proper paediatrician who can ensure your child’s diet is proper and balanced. It is more confusing for the parents who have skinny kids and are not sure what exactly to give them. They should also have a proper diet but try to eat more than normally what they have. They are thin does not mean than they can eat whatever they want.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Many parents still believe in the myth that their children should naturally just get along, being loving, affectionate, and supportive of each other. However this is seldom a reality. My two kids fight like hell. They are always fighting over trivial issues. I am always acting like a referee. Is this the way siblings behave? Read More...
    As parents it is difficult to handle two kids at a time and when they fight it seems like impossible to stop them. Every kid needs their personal space and they should be given so that they don’t start fighting over small things. Kids do not like sharing their things especially with their siblings and this is one of the main reasons why siblings fight. If they share their room then make sure they have their individual spaces and corners so that fights are less. Avoid every possible situation which might create fights, while giving anything also give both of them equally or same.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to make sure that kids enjoy their summer vacations? How to keep kids busy during summers? Which are the best activities for kids during summers?
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    Hi, the most obvious question for the children and the parents that what should the children do during their summer vacations. Many parents feel their child should do several activities in their vacation. You can ask your child what they want to do in their vacation and accordingly you can do so. There are several interesting activities available for the kids to do in summers. It is important that you don’t waste your child’s time in the vacation and invest it in something useful and fun. You can also relive your childhood along with your child.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to motivate kids to exercise regularly? How to encourage kids to eat healthy? Is it necessary for skinny kids to exercise?
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    Hi, it is very important to help your child maintain a healthy weight as firstly you should be thanking god that your child has a healthy weight. We are struggling over here so that my child has some weight gain and some are struggling with their overweight child. It is extremely necessary to keep his calorie intake in balance so that you can maintain a good weight or stable weight. It is necessary that the child continues doing all the physical activities so that he has exercising habit daily. It is necessary you follow the same schedule which you have been following for gaining healthy weight and do not change it.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    My son has been the shortest boy in his class since he was a kid. Though his height has increased but still he is the shortest boy. He is now in class 5. Does this mean that he has some growth problems> Do I need to check with a doctor? Read More...
    It is seen that exercising and stretching help in the increase of the height, but I would like to recommend you to put your child for yoga classes as yoga is extremely beneficial for the overall body and helps to stabilize mentally and physically both. This has been proved as the best technique to increase the height in children. Performing surya namaskar daily can be really helpful and you can see the difference quite early. There are various other asanas like trikonasana, talasana, adhomukha savasana and sukhansana all these yoga postures help in the increase of height as well as benefitting various other parts of the body.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    My son is given everything he wants and he has never been denied anything. All his demands are met but still I find him stealing something from his friends. What could be the reason for this, I need parental advice. Read More...
    Children are innocent and sensitive and can be hurt by small things. It is important for us to know whether our children are happy or not. There are children who are unhappy and feel unloved and tend to develop a habit of stealing from their parents itself. If children feel ignored they start stealing so that they can seek your attention to what they do. Older children sometimes feel they are not getting their fair share which they actually should get and due to this reason they might steal. Being angry at someone and to get back at him or her they might steal his or her things.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    What are the common causes of fights between siblings? How to end the sibling fights? How to prevent sibling rivalry?
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    Hi, I have two children and have a hard time handling them. It is funny to see how they fight but it is important for them to understand that they are siblings and not enemies. Fight and rivalry between two siblings is quite common and the most faced problem by all the parents. Most of the siblings are seen fighting and majority of the parents find it difficult to handle it. They always consider it as a parenting issue and consider it next to impossible to fix it. It is not really very difficult to handle kids who keep fighting over small issues.
  • Swapna Jadhav
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    My kid does not like to study. He hates Math especially and for other subjects also he is not much interested. How do I make study enjoyable for him? Read More...
    It is not new to us that the children do not like studying and run away from it as much as possible. When we say to the children that it is time to study or do homework you will hear no response from them. They feel that studying is kind of a punishment and feel it is quite boring. Regular studying in the same old boring way can be very irritating and boring for the children like a regular routine. Try to make their studies more interesting and fun so that the kids enjoy it and want to do more.

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