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Arushi Sahai

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Arushi Sahai

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Wednesday, 25 September 2013 10:30
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3 years ago
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How can parents know if their child is nervous before the exams? How can parents help kids prepare for tests? How to help child to calm down?
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    Hi, exam time means stressful time for the children and when children are anxious means even parents have the tension whether children will do better in exam. Now-a-days children have to face tests right from pre-school and it is a concern for the parents how to help their children face the test. It is also necessary to help the kids prepare for their test and there are several ways you can help them do so. You can do many things to prepare your child for facing the tests easily and preparing them for the tests.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Why do some kids find it hard to concentrate? How to help kids to concentrate and focus on studies? Which activities are helpful for improving concentration of kids?
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    Hi, all the children are distracted from their studies and find it hard to concentrate. There can be several reasons for their distraction and not being able to concentrate. We as parents should help our kids when it comes to our children and take the necessary measures to avoid their problems. Today it is really hard for the children to concentrate when there are so many distractions available. Children are very active they think fast, work fast and that is the reason they cannot focus on things for a longer time. Majority of the children are hyperactive and we should find out the reason of distraction and help them.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to encourage kids to do well in studies? What are ways in which parents can get involved in the academics of children? Why is it important to be involved in the studies of children?
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    Appreciate your child for working hard and doing well in their studies. Tell them that he or she really worked hard to get such good results. Such good words and encouragement will make the child put in more efforts to get praised by you and to see you happy. When they study sincerely and genuinely and get good grades congratulate them for their success, if you want you can also reward them with something they like as a token as appreciation. This thing will also boost the confidence in children and increase their self-esteem also.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Which activities can help to boost child’s memory? Till what age is it possible to sharpen and polish child’s memory? Which foods can help to enhance child’s memory?
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    Make sure that you always talk and be positive to your child. Positivity can have a very good influence in the mind. Make sure that the children are not influenced by negative people or any kind of negativity. You can share some memory tricks with your children which can help them remember things easily, also share your experiences what you did when you forgot things. Make sure that the things your children forget, they practise it regularly, like if they forget about homework then make him write the homework in the books and make sure that he makes it a habit.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    What are the benefits of getting involved in child’s studies? In what way can parents help in developing the personality of their child? How can parents get involved in school activities?
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    Even the researches have shown that the involvement of the parents in their children’s academics. Children get boosted to achieve more and reach higher not only in their primary education but also in their higher education. It is always seen that children are first taught by their parents and the teachers but slowly as children start growing up some parents do not participate in their academics. They feel that the children and the children will do it better, that is not true all the time as if parents get involved in their children’s studies they might feel boosted and might do better.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Why do most of the kids find Math subject boring? How to encourage kids to develop interest for Math? How to ensure that kids get good marks in Math subject?
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    Children lack interest in the subject as they find it boring or some children find it difficult and some children are also scared of the subject. All these situations can make the problem of learning worse and also make it more difficult for the child to learn it. It is important for us as parents to encourage our children to help them develop interest in the subject. Once they start developing interest they will automatically start liking the subject and when their concepts are clear they will willingly solve all the equations on their own without you telling them.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Why do kids hate eating green vegetables? What are the health benefits of spinach? How to include spinach in the diet of children?
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    Hi, I think this is every parent concern that how to include spinach in the child’s diet. Children always see their favourite cartoon popeye the sailor man eating spinach and then getting energy to beat up all the villians, but when it comes to them they clearly give a no signal to it. It is a hard task for the mothers to feed their children spinach in their daily diet. But it is highly important that children eat spinach and it should be included in their diet. There are ways to include spinach in their diet.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How do children get distracted? What are the ways to improve child’s focus on studies? How to encourage children to concentrate on what is taught at school?
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    Hi, it is very difficult to handle kids when it comes improving child’s focus on his studies. Children find it very difficult to sit in one place and concentrate for a long time in class or school and even at home. They are hardly able to concentrate to the teacher for some time and then they get distracted or start day-dreaming. Children start focusing on unwanted things and also start looking out of the window. During this time they can miss out of the important topics and instructions which are told by the teacher.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to ensure healthy brain development of children? What are the ways to prevent negative impact on child’s brain development? Why is it necessary to create positive impact on brain development of children?
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    The child’s brain is very delicate during its development and overstimulation can cause damage to it. Make sure that your child does not have any kind of stress and is happy. Stress, anxiety and too much stimulation can also be fatal for the child and over teaching the child and distress can cause harm to the child’s brain. It is important that you let your child grow freely and without any kind of stress. Children should learn to explore the world on their own as well forcing them to do something against their will can hamper their development and growth.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Why is parental involvement necessary for the academic success of children? What can create hurdle for academic success of children? What should parents do to boost academic success of a child?
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    It is seen that no child likes doing their homework and whenever we say about doing homework they hate it. I would like to suggest you that you try to keep a specific time period for the homework and other studies. In this time you can include his studies and homework and other activities related to school or anything else. Once they get the hack of that they will be regular and completing their homework on time and revising things regularly will make them succeed. You should also appreciate his dedication and reward him with things he like.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Which are the different types of learning disabilities in children? How to detect learning disabilities in children? How to help children with learning disabilities?
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    Hi, it is seen that not every child can study or learn things easily like the other children. There might be several reasons why the children are unable to learn and grasp things easily like the other kids. One of the reason can be learning disorders which the children face in their studies and also socially. It is important that we parents understand why our child is unable to learn normally like other children. Children might be not interested in studies in school and even be irritating while studying at home. When this is happening on a regular basis it is important that something might be not right with our child.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to build learning environment for kids? Why is it necessary to build learning environment for kids? How does right learning environment aid in brain development of kids?
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    I agree with the above comment and it is necessary that children get involved in physical activities to improve their health and thinking. You can also involve your children in activities like football, cricket, basketball, swimming, karate and many more activities which can help children learn new activities, socialise, increase the capability of learning new things and skills. Also during these physical games like skating, cycling and tennis and other games can help in boosting the imagination of the children and also increase the physical stamina and strength of the child. So it is necessary that you boost and motivate your children to participate in such physical activities.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    What are the characteristics of genius children? How do some children grow-up into genius? Can every parent raise a genius?
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    There is no doubt that reading helps in boosting the growth and development of the brain of the child and also helps in increasing the knowledge of the child. The child becomes more smarter and curious to learns new things. Children get curious when they start learning and want to learn more and more and this is a good sign that the child wants to learn new things. Parents should use this opportunity to keep this curiosity alive in kids. The more you teach them the more they will learn and as their brain works faster than the adults they will be able to grasp it easily.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Does your child misbehave? What are the common causes of misbehaviour in children? What do you do when your child misbehaves in public?
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    Hitting and scolding the children is not the solution to this problem, in fact this will make the situation worse. Punishing the child is not a solution to the problem. Learn the reason and then try to tackle the problem smartly without hurting the child’s feelings and emotions. Firstly every parent should know what their child wants. Your child may start acting up or misbehaving just to seek your attention. There might be times when you don’t pay attention to your child when he wants it and therefore he might misbehave so that you can pay attention to him.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    My child is just 9 years old but is very conscious about her weight. she fears putting on weight so tries to minimize her intake. I think she is too small to have weight concerns and moreover she is not the heavier side also. Read More...
    Weight gains is a difficult task for the parents who have skinny children. It is advisable that you avoid giving your child sugar-sweetened beverages and instead you can give them drinks which are fresh like fruit juices, lime juice, fruit punches, energy drinks, water, buttermilk and many other options which are healthier than cold drinks and sodas. The intake of fluids can help in release the toxins from the body helping in proper growth of the child. Flavoured milk and iced tea can be a good option if your child is bored of drinking plain milk.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Many parents still believe in the myth that their children should naturally just get along, being loving, affectionate, and supportive of each other. However this is seldom a reality. My two kids fight like hell. They are always fighting over trivial issues. I am always acting like a referee. Is this the way siblings behave? Read More...
    Hello all, I know it is difficult to handle siblings when they fight. There are a few tips which you can use to help your children cope up with each other. Do not give the responsibility of your younger kid to your elder child, don’t force them to do things which they do not wish to. It is important that the kids are taught to negotiate and solve problems together. Help them to treat each other with respect and not to call each other with disrespectful names. I hope these few tips can help you tackle your kids.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to make sure that kids enjoy their summer vacations? How to keep kids busy during summers? Which are the best activities for kids during summers?
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    The best thing you can do is send your child for a summer camp. There are several summer camps available during the summers and you might find that many of your child’s friends are also going there. Children get excited by hearing the word camping as they find it quite interesting. Majority of the children love staying in tents and making campfires around and enjoying. There are various games and treasure hunt activities which are taken during that time and children thoroughly enjoy it. You can also set up camping atmosphere with your family where you can also teach your children to plant some trees.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to motivate kids to exercise regularly? How to encourage kids to eat healthy? Is it necessary for skinny kids to exercise?
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    Hello, you can maintain your child’s healthy weight by balancing the diet which he is having. Balancing out the calories is very important and make sure that your child is eating adequate food from which he receives the nutrients and vitamins which are required by his body. Do not make him or her starve so that his weight is maintained, this will turn out to be very harmful for the child. Eating and exercising should be done in equal amounts. Make children aware of importance of healthy weight so that they stop eating junk food gradually.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    My son has been the shortest boy in his class since he was a kid. Though his height has increased but still he is the shortest boy. He is now in class 5. Does this mean that he has some growth problems> Do I need to check with a doctor? Read More...
    I would love to suggest stretching for increasing the height of your child. It is considered to be the best exercise for increasing height. This is a very easy and simple technique to increase height. You can tell your child to practise the toe touching, standing on the toes, stretching their hands straight up and various other stretching exercises which are really useful. Also drinking milk daily is very important as from milk your child can receive calcium on daily basis which is required for the growth of the bones. Receiving all the nutrients when required can help in the normal growth of the height properly.
  • Arushi Sahai
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    My son is given everything he wants and he has never been denied anything. All his demands are met but still I find him stealing something from his friends. What could be the reason for this, I need parental advice. Read More...
    It is our duty as parents to keep an eye on our children and to know if they are on the right track in their life. If you come to know that your child has stolen something then don’t react too quickly, this is one mistake which every parent does. Talk to your child calmly and know the reason why he or she has done so, find the cause and try to fix it. Teach them the value of things so that they understand how things are important to everybody and stealing is not a good thing. You should remember that children learn things from what you say and do.

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