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Hemali Mundra

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Hemali Mundra

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Wednesday, 09 October 2013 18:13
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  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    What are the benefits of getting involved in child’s studies? In what way can parents help in developing the personality of their child? How can parents get involved in school activities?
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    There are several benefits if the parents are involved in their children’s academics. This can help the child reach a different level which he might not reach without all the support and motivation from the parents. There are more advantages that disadvantages in the parental involvement. When parents have a positive influence on the children’s mind it can automatically help the child to perform better in their school exams and tests and it is also seen that the child gets better grades than earlier. The child might be more confident and active than earlier and will show interest.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Which vegetables should be included in the diet of kids? Why do kids hate eating green vegetables? How to make kids eat green vegetables?
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    Hello, when children start eating all the green vegetables even after rejecting it a several times, you should appreciate the child and encourage him more to eat it. Always talk positive to him and always try to tell him the benefits he is going to get when he eats it regularly. This way the child will feel motivated and also enjoy his meal. You can have all the family members eating together so that the children will see and eat more. Rewarding the child when he listens to you is a must. This will make the child happy and motivate him to eat more.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How do children get distracted? What are the ways to improve child’s focus on studies? How to encourage children to concentrate on what is taught at school?
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    Like adults children also need attention from their parents and when they don’t seem to get attention they do various things to seek attention from them. It is necessary that you pay attention to your child and what he wants and then only he will pay attention to you when you try to teach him something. Give your child clear instructions so that he understands it and is able to focus on it. It is important the when you teach your child something new you also be equally concentrating on those things and seeing you your kids will also focus on those things.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Why is parental involvement necessary for the academic success of children? What can create hurdle for academic success of children? What should parents do to boost academic success of a child?
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    I personally feel that we should not force our children to do the homework. Instead of that you can just tell him the consequences which he will have to suffer when he does not complete his work. Arguing can make situations worse and out of control, so to avoid that it is better you tell the result what he will face. Do not let your child let you take for granted as then he might not take things seriously and also just ignore things which you tell him to do. Attend all the school meetings and have regular conversation with the teacher to know about his academics.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    For what does your child argue the most? How do you deal with your child’s arguing? Do you agree that arguments can be healthy for both parents and kids?
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    When you try to force children to behave in a particular way and also try to control the children forcefully. These negative comments will hamper their thinking and make them believe that their belief is true and also feel that no one understands them and they are a victim who is tortured. This might be a reason for a dispute between the children and the parents and to not let this happen the parents should show things to the children according to their views. Let them know that when they are rude and disrespectful how much it hurts.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    What is the importance of parental involvement in child’s academics? Why are some children not able to do well in studies? How to boost child’s confidence so that he or she can attain educational success?
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    Hi, it is necessary that we keep motivating our children so that they do not lack confidence. Do not try to handle and control each and everything, give some control and choices for the children to make. It is necessary that you relate their studies with the real life issues so that they understand it well. Appreciate their good work so that they feel motivated to do much more better next time. Help the kids whenever they are stuck with their academics and solve their problems. When you and your children together take part in their studies with complete dedication, no one can stop your children from getting all the success in his life.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Why do children misbehave or behave differently? How to reinforce positive behaviour in children? Is punishing the right way to deal with misbehaviour in children?
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    One of the reasons can be that your child wants attention from you and that is why he is doing such things so that you can pay attention to him or her. They start misbehaving purposely to that they can seek your attention when you are not paying attention to them. Usually when child do this parents shout or hit them in response to that behaviour. This should not be done as the children are small and when he is doing such things remember that there might be reasons behind it. Giving your child enough attention is necessary so that he doesn’t feel ignored.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to ensure that child is safe at school? How to prevent child from becoming a victim of child abuse and violence at school? What measures should schools take to ensure safety of children?
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    Hi, it is important to know if your child suddenly seems to change his or her behaviour or does not concentrate on studies like earlier, has low grades, being hyper or cranky all the time. It is important to find out the change in behaviour and also lookout for the warning signs. He might lose his friends and also ask in his school and if the matter is serious it is important that a necessary action must be taken to get out of the problem. If the situation is worst then also ask the teachers to help and sort out the problem.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to make sure that kids enjoy their summer vacations? How to keep kids busy during summers? Which are the best activities for kids during summers?
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    If your child is interested in cooking or loves cooking then you can send him or her to the various cooking classes available nearby. There are several baking classes where people teach baking and other techniques. If food makes them happy then you should definitely send them there. If your child loves making different things then there are paper quilling classes where you child can go and learn new techniques of folding paper and making new things out of it. I sent my child for these quilling classes and now she has become a professional at it and also sells some of her goods which she makes.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to motivate kids to exercise regularly? How to encourage kids to eat healthy? Is it necessary for skinny kids to exercise?
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    Remember physical activity can help in maintaining the weight of your child. As food is beneficial for the body and maintaining weight, exercising and doing other physical activities can be equally beneficial for balancing the weight. Put your child in sports, karate, martial arts, dance, swimming, stretching, yoga, aerobics, cycling and various other classes where he enjoys and also stays active throughout the day. Even if your child does one of these activities for even half an hour is more than enough for his body. The simplest exercise walking is the most beneficial one and I highly recommend it to all.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    I understand that preschoolers lie but when school goers lie, this means a matter of concern. They do it knowingly and being aware of the consequences. My daughter just keeps on telling tales that she thinks we will believe. How can I stop her behavior? Read More...
    It is important for us as parents to respect our child’s privacy and not interfere and keep asking questions which might make him more nervous and conscious. It is okay if he or she does not want to share anything with you, maybe he or she is scared of being punished or scolded, give them their time and let them come to you. Do not force your children to say the truth by terrorising him. This way he will never ever speak the truth and never will be able to be frank with you and share things with you.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    My kid gets very nervous during his exams. He forgets everything that he had learnt? How can I help him? Read More...
    It is important that you help your child study during the exams. Be flexible during the exam time and let your child only concentrate on studies. Parents should be quite flexible so that the child is not stressed and pressurised. All the other work can be done later on when the child is studying stop worrying about your household chores and untidy house, all that can be managed. Help your child during the revision time and take studies in a comfortable place where there are no distractions. Relax your child every time he feels nervous and anxious, make him feel confident and he knows everything whatever he has learnt.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    What are the common causes of fights between siblings? How to end the sibling fights? How to prevent sibling rivalry?
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    It is important for us as parents to treat all our children equally. Some parents have a habit of favouritism and always side them or love them more. This feeling is not good and can hamper the innocent mind if he is always ignored and felt left out. Try to communicate with all of them so that they share their feelings and emotions of what they feel. Spend time with all your children equally, do not try to differentiate between any of them. You cannot completely avoid the indifference and conflict between them. As parents it is our duty that they love and respect each other.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Peer pressure in school makes your child to go along with a group or classmates, compromising his beliefs, self-worth, etc.. As a result, it leads to rejection. This is a bad sign. While there is also a positive side to it while going along with a crowd to become more productive with positive thoughts, enabling your child to achieve more in life. Read More...
    Sometimes you might get worried that your child is getting influenced by his or her peers, she is trying too hard to be in a group. You might also feel that your child is under pressure but you still can’t say no to her. But it is not necessarily possible that when your child and her friend has same liking or like the same program means they are doing anything risky after coming under pressure from the peers. Sometimes child do not imitate all the things her friends do, they limit themselves and do certain things which they feel are okay to do.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    What are the causes of aggressive behaviour in kids? How to deal with aggressive behaviour in kids? Is it possible to discipline aggressive kids?
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    It is important to keep a check on what our child is doing watching, playing. It is also important to know who his friends are and with whom he plays and spends his day in the school. There are at times when the peer influence can make your child do such things and it is necessary to know if such thing is happening it should be stopped immediately. I had seen a child who would get influenced by his friend as his friend hit some children that child also started hitting other kids. They tend to come under peer pressure or influence whatever you can say.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Is homework really needed? Why are kids not able to complete homework on time? How can parents help kids to deal with homework stress?
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    There are some children who cannot sit in one place for a long time and have a habit of getting distracted after some time. If you have a hyperactive child then you can take small breaks in between the homework time so that they can relax and then again sit for doing their homework this way they will not get bored and will be able to concentrate as well. Do not force him or her to sit and complete the homework at one go. This way they might mess up. Also when they complete their homework reward them with their favourite food or dessert.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    What is the main reason of deficiency diseases on kids? What are common deficiency diseases in kids? How to overcome the deficiency diseases in kids?
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    Hello, today children have lack of the essential components like vitamin B, magnesium, folic acid and omega 3 fatty acids. If there are nutritional deficiencies can have adverse effects on the brain and development. When there is lack of nutrients in the body it is difficult for the brain to produce norepinephrine and dopamine chemicals in the body. This results in ADHD which causes hyperactivity in the children and also children become more impulsive, attention seekers. The common symptoms you can see are anxiety and depression. To avoid this it is our responsibility to feed our child proper food.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Now depression has become the most common illness affecting children. This has made me concerned. I do not want my child to suffer silently from depression. How can I know if my child is suffering from depression? Are there any tell tale signs? Read More...
    Hi, I had read somewhere online that when puberty strikes in children they have a tendency of developing depression. All the boys and girls equally can develop depression during this age. But it is said that girls majorly have been suffering more depression twice as that of boys. I have read somewhere that before puberty, boys and girls are equally likely to develop depression. There are personal changes which take place during the teenage years and depression comes along with personal changes. When they start growing up forming their own identity apart from their parents and undergo gender issues, sexuality changes and emotional changes.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    My kid is hyperactive. He cannot sit at one place for long. He has problem in learning also as he is unable to concentrate. I am worried that he may hurt himself or others. How can I deal with him? Read More...
    You can help your child manage his energy levels and excitement by involving him in extra-curricular activities. You can involve him in physical activities like any sports, which he likes or is fond of like cricket, swimming or biking as it is quite beneficial for the health of the child as well. You can also put him in karate classes or let him teach martial arts as it helps create balance of mental concentration along with physical exertion and this is very beneficial for them as they require it. Some other sports like basketball, football can help increase his social skills.
  • Hemali Mundra
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Dear all,

    My kid has this problem of cold and cough right from the time she joined school. Earlier she was a healthy baby without any problem but now every one or the other day she is down with some problem. 20 days back she was suffering so much with bronchitis and now again she got the same problem. I don't know how to avoid this dreadful thing. Being a mother i am unable to see her coughing so hard and heavy breathing. We a running after doctors but no use. I even stared home remedies which helped me to some extent. Please pour in your inputs about bronchitis allergy in kids, its treatments or home remedies.

    Hi, you can get rid of the coughing of your chid by giving him some home remedies. Coughing can be prevented when you feed your child honey. The amount to be given depends on the age. If your child is two to five years old then you can give him half a teaspoon of honey morning and night, if your child is six to eleven years old you can give him one teaspoon of honey and above eleven years old children can have two teaspoons of honey in the morning and night. Honey is a natural remedy and helps to soften the throat which becomes sensitive by coughing.

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