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Barkha Ghose

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Barkha Ghose

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Tuesday, 19 November 2013 10:35
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  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    What are the signs of high IQ in children? How to boost IQ of children? What can happen if talents of children go unnoticed?
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    Is it really possible to boost IQ of children? Experienced parents, please reply!
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to help children do well in exams? How to improve concentration of kids? What are the ways to boost intelligence of children?
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    Hello, let me tell you that progressing in exams is a skill which needs to be polished. Children need support and a friendly environment in which they can study better. When you help your child prepare properly they will definitely achieve success. Make sure you let your children know the difference between practice and exams and the results. It is important that you tell them that when they work hard and practice thoroughly they will definitely do good in the exams. Let them know that when they get nervous they can forget things and to avoid that they study with concentration.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How to keep a child’s general knowledge updated? Why is it essential for children to have general knowledge? Which activities can help in improving general knowledge of children?
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    Hi, according to me we should make a routine for the children every day. This is necessary because the children should learn general knowledge as children need it in their entire life and today for survival it is compulsory that the child knows almost everything. By making a schedule you can make sure to manage the time properly where the child gets enough time to revise and also make him read new things daily. Slowly he will a make a habit of learning new things daily. A daily routine will be convenient for the child to manage everything properly without any stress.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    my daughter back answers and if i tell her not to do it, she says that if I do not answer then also you will scold. I tried explaining her the idfference between back answering and answering but she is in no mood to listen. How can i discipline her? Read More...
    Sometimes it may happen that children repeat somethings which they might have already heard and they may not realize that it was rude. Children mostly all of them want to be like their friends and imitate them so that they could fit into the group. Some children be rude and back answer unknowingly. It is you who have to explain them what is acceptable and what kind of behaviour is expected from them. Being angry and tired is acceptable but saying unwanted things to parents are totally not acceptable. Make them understand these things so that they remember next time when they say anything.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Why are only children who do well in studies labelled as intelligent? Can intelligence be improved? What activities can help to improve child’s intelligence? Read More...
    There are some children who are way too smarter than the other children and can do things earlier than the other children of their age. By the time the normal children learn those things, those extra active kids are already done with learning that. If you find this trait in your child then you can say that your child is intelligent and gifted. There are milestones achieved by infants at different stages and you should know the time when they are achieved so that you can understand the situation about your child. Children who are intelligent can also start speaking earlier than the other children.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Why is it necessary to encourage kids to do activities that aid brain development? What are the ways to boost memory of kids? Can playing games help to boost memory of children?
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    All the parents feel that their child should be smart and intelligent. They try every possible thing to improve their memory and other things but they sometimes forget to use these easy trick like the indoor games which might help the child to improve his memory and skills. These games will surely benefit your child and boost his memory power to a certain extent. You can make your child play name, place, animal, thing this game is majorly played in schools by the kids. This game is excellent to sharpen the memory as it is interesting and informative as well.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    How does BMI help in determining child’s health? How can BMI of children be calculated at home? Does a high BMI in kids mean a health problem? Read More...
    Hi all, as parents you should also know the other percentiles like if the BMI percentile is above 95th percentile then the child is considered to be obese. My son is 5 years old and I recently checked his BMI percentile at a health care provider and has a BMI of 75th percentile and you might think that he is overweight or heavy but the fact is that he has a healthy weight. You might think that he has a higher BMI than the 70 children out of 100 but it is not measured by the number, but is the either way.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Are movies good for children? What can children learn from movies? Which are the best Bollywood movies for children?
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    Hi another good movie which you can show your children is Stanley Ka Dabba. This film is exceptionally god having focus on the children in the film. The main subject of the fil is based on food and is portrayed in a yummy and delicious way that every children will fall for the movie. The movie talks a lot about sharing, friendship, self-esteem among the children in the movie. This is a simple and sweet movie and every child should watch it. You can also show your children Kkrish which is a fictional movie based on superhero. They will enjoy watching this movie.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Which are the best board games for kids? How are board games beneficial for kids? Do board games help kids to overcome addiction to television or computer?
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    The board games have always been fun and entertaining to play. But they are also easy and extremely easy to teach your children. These games teach a lot of things and can help in preparing them for new challenges with a healthy mind. Although children have forgotten the board games today, but these are the best games where the entire family can spend time together and play together. These games teach the children to learn to follow rules, to focus and concentrate on one thing and also to cope with losing. These games also teach children to improve their memory skills and social skills.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    my daughter has a problem of lice. I use medicated shampoos and get rid of the lice but she seems to catch the infection from school. this has been happening for many times. Is there any way to prevent this? Read More...
    The main causes of getting lice can be because of unhygienic habits. Coming in contact with already infected person can also cause lice when playing in school, slumber parties, camps and any other sport activity. A child can also contract lice from wearing clothes, scarfs, caps, coats, hair accessories, combs, brushes and towels of the infested person. So make sure your child does not use any of these things which are infested by the lice. These are the number one reason for the spreading of lice and it is not easy to get rid of lice fri=om the head so easily.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Does your child throw tantrums in public? Have you ever had an embarrassing moment because of your child’s behaviour? How would you control your child?
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    I personally feel the best idea is to ignore whatever your child is doing to seek attention from you. It is obvious that he or she acts up just to gain your attention because they want something or like something and you deny to give it to them. That is the reason they start throwing tantrums so that you could buy them what they want. But if you just ignore it and let him do things at one point he will stop doing it until he or she is distracted by something else. This idea can work you can surely try it if you want.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    Why do kids misbehave at school? How to control child’s misbehaviour at school? How to punish kids if they misbehave at school?
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    Hi, children are always in different moods every time. In school they are happy, sad, angry, aggressive, naughty, moody and many more. It is difficult for us as parents to deal with such mood swings and behavioural problem. Children often tend to misbehave in school and there are loads of complains coming from the schools. Usually boys are more mischievous than girls. Children misbehave due to various reasons like having a feeling of something and if that feeling is triggered. It is better to know the reason behind this behaviour and know what is troubling the child and she can maybe feel free to express what she feels.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    What should be done when kids stop listening to their parents? Is it correct to punish the child if he or she does not listen to his or her parents? What are effective ways to get kids to listen to parents? Read More...
    Hi, I have seen so many parents complaining about the fact that children do not listen to them. It might shock some parents that their kids are not listening to them anymore. There are several children who do not listen to their parents and you are not the only one. We all have this problem of our children not listening to us. There can be various reasons that your child is not listening to you. You need to find out the reason why they are not listening to you. Once you find out the reason try to find a solution to it.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    The last ten years has seen tremendous growth in the numbers of international schools in India and in particular, internationals schools in Mumbai. At a casual glance, we can ascertain that the reason behind this was the dissatisfaction with the state and national board schools, many from parents own personal experience of school. While international schools have become a popular choice for parents today, there are still many who are unsure of what are the exact benefits of having your child in one of them.
    To truly understand these schools we should look at the many positive things that they bring to the academic environment rather than make a comparison with the state and national schools (though some unavoidable comparisons will appear). The reason behind this is that many international systems have been in existence for a number of years or are following on from older traditions in modern forms. It is important to understand that none of these systems are reactionary systems and have been developed to provide quality education.

    1. Universally accepted certification: International schools offer universally accepted certification that ensures that your child does not miss out on any opportunities to study further. The certification boards are prestigious and maintain a high quality level and students that receive these certifications are held in high esteem by universities around the world.

    2. A global syllabus for a global world: Thanks to information technology and liberalised economies the world has gotten more familiar with itself than at any time before. This creates a compulsion to make sure that knowledge of the world goes beyond just a hobby. International school syllabuses are tailor made so that students understand the differences and similarities of the world and are able to understand people from everywhere beyond the realm of language.

    3. Multi-disciplinary syllabus: International schools offer a multi-disciplinary syllabus so students are under pressure to choose their specialised career paths at a young age. It also helps develop students that are proficient in a variety of knowledge bases that are beneficial in an environment where multi-speciality individuals are sought after in the working world.

    4. Low student-to-teacher ratio: International school classrooms are much smaller than classrooms in standard Indian schools. This allows teachers to have more personal time with each student so that they get the most out of their learning years.

    5. All-round education: Besides academics, international schools ensure that students also learn from a variety of non-academic subjects and programmes such as sports, dramatics, music and social service. All of these non-academic activities are important for the development of young, well adjusted and healthy minds. Read More...
    Hello, according to me international schools do benefit the children in various ways. One of my friend had her child in the international schools and I found it really good for him. The international school students seem to be more confident and boosted and seem to be ready for everything. The schools have them well prepared for probably everything especially how to deal with the outside world. These schools develop the way of thinking and make it better as compared to normal schools. These schools also tell their children to aim high. So I personally feel that these schools are very beneficial.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    While Indian schools have always had large numbers of students, the situation got particularly out of hand in the 1990s where it was not unheard of to have classrooms with close to 60 students. To make matters worse there was only one person playing a mentoring role for 60 students – the class teacher. This created generations of students who suffered from a curtailed amount of personal guidance in their formative years.
    International schools brought smaller classrooms into the environment of Indian schools. It became evident quite quickly that students began to develop better in these smaller classrooms. It is quite obvious that the lower student-to-teacher ratio benefited them and here lies the very crux of this article – how can your child gain a competitive advantage from a healthier ratio. Firstly we must differentiate between what we mean by a healthy ratio and a low ratio.
    Creating a healthy ratio within the concept of a low number of students per teacher is very crucial towards attaining the benefits of both a good amount of personal time with the teacher and the benefits of studying in a classroom of your peers. Most schools today have a ratio of about 10 students per teacher and while this seems to be ideal in theory it leaves little room to create a dynamic schedule where some students may need more personal guidance than others. RIMS International School and Junior College believes that the ideal ratio is 1 teacher per 5 students. Now we can move on to the benefits.

    1. Personalized Learning: While students benefit from a standardized curriculum that is tailor made for the tasks that the world offers them, they also have a variety of skills and ways to achieve their goals. It is important that a teacher can identify these differences so that they ensure that their students derive the most out of their learning experience. This is only possible with a low, healthy ratio so that the teacher can create a balance between the differences and the need to build on uniformity.

    2. Mental Strengthening: Students suffer from many forms of stress because of several different factors. Teachers in a healthy ratio environment are able to spend enough time with each student in order to understand their mental strengths and build on their weaknesses while enhancing their strengths. Such mentoring is very important; both for performance in school as well as in their future careers where stress and pressure builds and only the cool and calm survive and do well.

    3. Identifying Learning Difficulties: Similar to point one, a teacher in a healthy ratio environment is able to identify more accurately the students that may suffer from previously unidentified learning problems. This will allow them to talk to parents of these students and create an environment where the difficulty turns into an advantage.

    4. Competitive Confidence: Every classroom is competitive in some form or another, it's the way that human beings function. While competition is healthy for development, bad performances or unfulfilled personal goals can affect the confidence of students. In a smaller classroom, the teacher is able to speak to each child in order to understand their reaction to their performance and help them understand important character building traits that aid them in recovering from any loss of confidence.

    These are but some of the many ways in which a healthy student-to-teacher ratio is beneficial for your child. Ensuring both academic and mental progress and health creates an individual that is both secure in their mental makeup as well as confident in their competitiveness. Read More...
    We have seen schools usually have large classes and a single teacher is not able to pay attention to each child and if compared to the large classes the smaller ratio classes have better academic results as compared to the larger classes. The teacher already has enough workload and increase in the children increases her work load and she is not able to give personal attention to everyone as that is not possible if there are too many children in the class. Schools earlier had a student-teacher ratio of about 60:1 and in this case it was impossible to cope up with everyone. Hence I feel lower ration is helpful for the children.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    My 8 yr old son is always wetting the bed even though I wake him up at night and take him to toilet. What could be the cause? Is something serious? Read More...
    It is extremely important if your child is bedwetting his bed during the night to assure him that whatever he is doing is quite normal and nothing to be scared about. Reassure him that he does not have to be ashamed of it and he will grow out of it and pass through it. Give him some examples in family who have been through this, make him feel comfortable and also try to give him more fluids during the day time rather than night. Try avoiding drinks which contain caffeine as they are not good for the health of the child.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Schoolgoers

    i hav a 2 n a half yr old son. he keeps pushing other kids for no reason. he doesnt listen to me or my husband at the first time til the time he is hit or punished. how shud i make him understand or teach him to obey commands???

    pls help its really embarassing....
    Hello, one of my friend’s son is so aggressive and hyperactive. She always had complains about him from school that he used to push and hit other children and was very naughty. She did not know what to do, but later on after consulting to the doctor she found out that her husband was the reason behind his behaviour. Her husband had anger controlling issues so her son pick up the same habits and used to follow it. If you react or respond aggressively to the child, he will tend to do the same as you are doing.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Expecting Parents

    Does miscarriage run in family? My aunt lost her baby twice and my mother also had miscarriage earlier. All this has instilled a fear in my mind and i am also in fear of miscarriage. Is there anyway I can prevent miscarriage? Read More...
    There is nothing which can be done to prevent miscarriages as such because the reasons which cause them are out of your control. However you can control certain things for your safety and reduce the chances of miscarriages like avoiding smoking or taking harmful drugs, avoiding the exposure to toxins, avoid excessive drinking of alcohol.
  • Barkha Ghose
    replied to a thread in Expecting Parents

    What are the causes of frequent urination during pregnancy? How to deal with frequent urination and urine leakage during pregnancy? Which exercises help to prevent urine leakage during pregnancy?
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    Frequent visits to the washrooms during the first trimester is due to the increased volume and pressure in the course of pregnancy. But once the second trimester starts you will feel relief and running to the bathroom frequently will also be reduced.

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